I am an heir. The daughter of the first sun, conceived into a womb lined in diamonds and furnished in pure gold. I am the descendant of mankind, a successor to profound culture. Untold intelligence, immeasurable prosperity, and indescribable beauty brew in my blood.
Yet, up till now this magnificence has been muzzled.
My narrative has been scrabbled, potted into ‘well structured’ speeches and ‘calculated’
conclusion. I’d been ordained an inheritor of substandard and then like Esau conned out of my birthright. My voice is considered off key and my potential left unopened and ignored. Then to mask my oppression I am handed a cage labelled freedom... in fake gold.
But then I remember;
I am an African, an heir! Untold intelligence, immeasurable prosperity, and indescribable
beauty brew in my blood.
I am an African and because of this I refuse to be idle.