I say the things that sometimes
Feel like a betrayal to my feelings
I say them because they are polite to the ear
The sharp blade that of a word
Cuts deeper than any dagger
Without a band-Aid
So, I say the things that sometimes
Feel like a betrayal to my feelings.
The ragging storm in turmoil in me,
I deny myself the pleasure to soak up
In those short-lived emotions…
For the world is already in rage with itself.
The four corners of the earth are in collapse over differences!
So, I say the things that sometimes
Feel like a betrayal to my feelings.
For kindness has become a rare commodity
That’s in exchange for ridicule of others
Today I sought kindness
And the world did not stop to abound.
My feelings yelled traitor betrayed
But I still say the things that sometimes
Feels like a betrayal to my feelings.
The things I say to others I say to the self.
So, I say the things that feel like a betrayal to my feelings.
Feelings are guests never meant to stay…
But I stay with the self forever
And words shall forever echo back…
Mind over mood
“When I was young, I admired smart people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Kindness simple and easy, but more than that, it is fulfilling, it heals wounds no medicine can. The pains and pangs of life are endless. Many of us are in a daily battle of the mind, soul and many other unknown demons. A simple act of kindness can be just the glimmer of hope that pulls one out of a pit hole. A hug, a smile, listening ear, a simple kind word are worth far more than any rand could ever buy. In a world where hatred spreads like wildfire, an act of kindness is the kind of waters needed to put the fire out. The world does not need any more hatred. Being kind to others is being kind to the self. So be kind to your heart, to your mind, to your body, and be kind to the planet. Mindfulness of the self is understanding that the act precedes feelings.
Kindness costs nothing, be kind anyways!
